
Friday, February 17, 2012

Shoulda voted for Dudley, I knew better to vote for Kitzhaber

I know it sounds like heresy, but Kitzhaber has lied about everything, not unlike Obama,  he gets rid of the only pro union board member.

TriMet gets two new board members


Ross Wrede said...

I know that Kitzhaber has been asleep at the wheel with these handpicked TriMet appointments. You have to realize that Dudley had Koch brothers money for his campaign. We could have easily had a "Scott Walker situation" here in Oregon if he had been elected.

They're all a bunch of sock puppets anyway.

Al M said...

If we had a Scott Walker scenario maybe we could get some real change going on.

Status quo is destroying us slowly.

Anonymous said...

This is why we Occupy ...!

Anonymous said...

Where are Jon Hunt, the ATU, and other allied unions, and why are they not skewering Kitzhaber for snubbing Labor like this?

Al M said...

Where are Jon Hunt, the ATU, and other allied unions, and why are they not skewering Kitzhaber for snubbing Labor like this?