
Saturday, February 25, 2012


Looking at Macfarlane's pathetic speech, its so full of boastful claims and downright lies, but here is the biggest one:

This translates to a Blue Cross bill averaging $22,000 per year for each union employee – nearly twice the industry average – and twice that of non-union TriMet employees.
This number the media has thrown out over and over.
It started at $1,600  a month for every employee;
Then it went to $1,800  for every employee;

A complete lie, my FAMILY blue cross is $1,600/mo.
There are many SINGLE EMPLOYEES who's blue cross is $1,200.
There are MANY employees who have KAISER, which is substantially less than Blue Cross.
Yet Macfarlane, master of half truths and distortions, attempts to paint the picture that TriMet is paying $22,000 for EACH EMPLOYEE!
Michael Levine sums up the truth about Macfarlane HERE!


punkrawker4783 said...

Can you summons those figures from them? Find out how much the Execs are too.

railsignalman said...

It's called Enron Accounting. It works either way, when you want to show profits... there it is. When you want to show losses... there it is.

All those thieves at Enron management showed their partners in crime how to do it.

Sure was a shame they were caught.

Anonymous said...

"There are lies, damn lies, and statistics. "-Mark Twain. We know what MacFarlane deals in (not to mention lying by omission, which he also masters in.).

Anonymous said...

Al, I am a TriMet employee and am sick of Neil blabbing this 22k figure all over! The Kaiser premium costs are substantially less, but, of course, he broadcasts the absolute worst. Where the hell is his minion Joe Rose to challenge any of this? WHy isn't the union challenging any of this?

Anonymous said...

I hope you mean per YEAR, not per month.

Al M said...

WOOPS, thanks..