A private collection of material focusing on the never ending joys of the Trimet industrial complex-Follow the Twitter feed for complete coverage and trimet scanner calls https://twitter.com/AlYourPalster
"I am not a crook" Neil Mcfarlane explains |
I'll bet this bus is a no show like the three max trains and two other buses. This is out of fucking control. Trimet can suck my dick.
— Nick (@tehnick) September 28, 2013
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frick kitten @fetalkitty
I hate Trimet so much right now I could cry. I'm about to feel very irrational.
Fred is smiling for a reason, he's RICH off Trimet |
Nearly received my second ticket just now in 10 days on @trimet using their mobile app. Please educate your agents!
— reggiewideman (@reggiewideman) September 28, 2013
TriMet spokeswoman Alstadt is wrong about bus fare transfer times always being 2hrs (http://t.co/E4DzwViudt) See SOP: pic.twitter.com/DBsaIN7468
— MAX FAQs (@maxfaqs) September 27, 2013
Mars gets an offer he can't refuse from al m on Vimeo.
@trimet: "Sure we cancelled your bus, but look at the pretty pictures on your phone!" http://t.co/GsTKi6IPsd
— Jack Bogdanski (@bojack54) September 27, 2013
if u gonna read this #trimet press release http://t.co/T2IQ9DcgrU you better watch this--> http://t.co/qJR1EmfjqA
— AL M (@AlYourPalster) September 27, 2013
Saw a guy get pulled off and cited for no @trimet ticket at #gresham tc he tore up ticket and hopped on next max #pdx pic.twitter.com/YVYkATPZx9
— Benjamin Kerensa (@bkerensa) September 26, 2013
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Manuel Magaña @manuel_mg
@HoracePhairy aeroplane itinerary confirmed. is TriMet still fucked?
@trimet you should consider posting stop closures more that 1 day in advance.
— Kassiane (@UVGKassi) September 24, 2013
“@_courtnaayy: Trimet should invest in wifi”YEEEEESSSSSSS
— Yung Goat Hunta (@wizardkelly300) September 24, 2013
I'm trying to figure out if it is worth it to continue my $50 monthly trimet pass or not.
— classic narcissist (@lemon_love) September 24, 2013
Someone on my train just got a fine for having a valid mobile ticket. What the everliving fuck, @trimet? #quotas
— Svën-Gørän Ølåfsøn™ (@pyratejack) September 24, 2013
Getting on #trimet and finding a crying baby and a non caring mother... #Portlandproblems
— Jay benitez (@jas0nbc) September 24, 2013
I hate Trimet so much right now I could cry. I'm about to feel very irrational.
— frick kitten (@fetalkitty) September 24, 2013
Hey @trimet could we maybe let all the religious group in Oregon know that harassment on trimet property is NOT ok.
— Dani (@Destynnee) September 24, 2013
I hate everyone. Trimet here I come alone in the dark.
— Anna (@AnnnaMarie15) September 24, 2013
Stumbling along in a #Trimet 99 that must be 20 yo, in the pouring rain, with failing wipers, no heat, fogged up windows. Yay me.
— Mike Rigsby (@mikerigsby) September 25, 2013
And I refuse to get on TriMet
— Shayy Gibson (@SG_Beautiful7) September 25, 2013
Why is the heater never on when I want it to be #trimet #portland #cold
— Kaitlyn Miranda (@mylovelykatie) September 25, 2013
If the train is 2 minutes early...then don't close the fcking doors and sit there while people stand in the rain. @trimet #trimetyousuck
— Klayton Andrew (@klaytonandrew) September 25, 2013
But seriously where is the bus. Portland @trimet , come on now.
— katiedel (@katiedel) September 25, 2013
Rebooting MAX car 417 at Kings Hill due to door issue. #trimet
— Nonpartisan (@nonpartisantoo) September 25, 2013
Multnomah will be using trimet advertising space in the future... How are we going to beat this Scientology ad? pic.twitter.com/wE0ZXSpcou
— Tyler Marple (@tylermarple) September 25, 2013
Now, this is technically not breaking the rules... #TriMet http://t.co/qJW5cqOJpV
— Adri C (@PDXtrimetrider) September 24, 2013
If a child is singing on #trimet is it more appropriate to smack them or their parent? #TheParent #ShutYoKidUp #portland #portlandia #pdx
— High on Trimet (@HighonTriMet) September 24, 2013
Time to start wearing a mask to drive. It's September and the bum coughing fits are already extra juicy. + nobody cleans #trimet busses.
— Buster Brown (@DriverYouNeed) September 24, 2013
@trimet transit tracker isn't working! Stepped out to catch the bus at 11831and it said it was still a minute out but it was already past!
— Bonnie Hildebrand (@BikeVegan) September 25, 2013
@trimet says 1500 average daily riders. I'm sure not seeing it! pic.twitter.com/fegwsVMXYo
— PDX Transit Lane (@pdxtransitlane) September 25, 2013
Bus driver gave me an "honored citizen" ticket. Like for seniors and people with disabilities. I get it trimet. You don't give a shit.
— Jana (@mossymossymoss) September 25, 2013
The blue line MAX is a Dumbnado this afternoon... #PDX #Trimet
— Damascus Steel (@Damascus_Steele) September 25, 2013
Turns out that the doors wouldn't close...#trimet #portland #pdx
— Parker Smith (@Parker_Smith_22) September 25, 2013
I have no idea what time I should leave my house, and the Trimet website is fucking stupid.
— Doug Dimmadab (@titlefightmeirl) September 25, 2013
Awful experience with @trimet app. Active passes don't travel with the account and my 30-day is not on my new iPhone. Unacceptable!
— Patrick Foss (@patrickwfoss) September 26, 2013
Pitbulls and Popeye's on the 6 today, oh lawd #trimet
— Kathleen Plant (@KathleenJanine) September 26, 2013
@trimet your outbound 12s to Tigard are...let's just say not providing reliable service. #wedeservebetter pic.twitter.com/T2V0trQCuO
— Erik Halstead (@sp_redelectric) September 26, 2013
Standing room only on #trimet, can't accommodate any more with wheelchair or stroller. Real nice driver. #opalpdx
— Joseph Santos-Lyons (@radicalhapa) September 25, 2013
Almost got a ticket on trimet for saying I don't have an ID...wtf lame ass people and their BS hahaha
— Caty (@_kd_09) September 26, 2013
@pdxcommute trimet is spending 128 mill for special buses not counting upgrades to yards, but no money for services? logic in that?
— Sean Matthews (@scminpdx) September 26, 2013
.@pdxcommute Count me among those who've been hosed by #trimet mobile app. Just lost $12.50 in tix via iOS 7 upgrade. @globesherpa
— Justin Stranzl (@jstranzl) September 26, 2013
If I had to rate my trimet experience today, I'd give it three bananas out of five.
— Jason Short (@ctor) September 26, 2013
Maybe trimet should think about giving free hot drinks and having a heated waiting area.for us.
— Natalie Hall (@natali_brooke) September 26, 2013
@trimet machine t117 is not issuing tickets...
— nathan alan (@_nathanalan) September 26, 2013
Do you prefer to travel by train, bus, plane or ship? — Train. Easily. Not like trimet, or tram. I'm talking rea... http://t.co/aIXeir3jyQ
— Regular Guy (@Real_ZacWasula) September 26, 2013
— Jay benitez (@jas0nbc) September 26, 2013
@trimet your closure of stop 170 means folks are walking on the shoulderless part of barbur. #safetyfirst
— Kassiane (@UVGKassi) September 26, 2013
@havi oh my. Trimetizing indeed.
— Rhiannon Laurie (@RhiannonLaurie) September 26, 2013
On a new #trimet bus, the seat is comfortable only if I sit up straight. Damn you and your concern for my posture, #trimet!
— Ms. Four (@msfour) September 26, 2013
@trimet MAX train 211's stop displays seem to be stuck on displaying the Oregon Zoo stop.
— Robert Allen (@Unh0ly_Tigg) September 26, 2013
The usually worst driver on Trimet passed me at my stop. Should I be happy to feel safe? Or mad he made me late?
— Shawn Fleek (@shawnfleek) September 26, 2013
or change settings
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trimet.org · m.trimet.org 503-238-RIDE (7433) |
1800 SW 1st Ave., Suite 300, Portland, OR 97201 |
Working for #Trimet is sort of like living in an Ayn Rand story of incompetent government managed corporations. ARGH!
— Dan Christensen (@Dan_Christensen) September 10, 2013
Might be best to do that during driver hiring RT @pdxcommute: #TriMet driver training will also focus on better customer service.
— Trimet Diaries (@TrimetDiaries) September 25, 2013
@LindaGinenthal @Oregonian @car2goPortland @trimet Not to mention overcrowding and horrible service. It's Car2go for me, too.
— Whiney Shitehouse (@Robert18) September 26, 2013
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@trimet WES ridership skyrockets to 10,300 boarding rides per week.OMG! That's almost 1500/day, meaning maybe 1000 people are using it #fail
— Jack Bogdanski (@bojack54) September 25, 2013
On #trimet bus 3128 sickly plastic smell... Check, mini seats build for Tyrion lanister... Check, bus driver with sore knees... Check
— Dan Christensen (@Dan_Christensen) September 24, 2013
Overheard on my #Trimet bus: "Look at these idiots driving like crazy goats. Wish I still had my license..."
— Dan Christensen (@Dan_Christensen) September 21, 2013
Guy on my #Trimet bus, with the bill of rights tattooed on his arm. Been arrested 8 times.
— Dan Christensen (@Dan_Christensen) September 13, 2013
#Trimet dug out dusty, dirty old nasty busses for East side Streetcar service. Enjoy!
— Dan Christensen (@Dan_Christensen) September 13, 2013
Number | FO140289JB |
Title | Art Technician Services |
Bids Due Date/Time | 10/07/2013 2:00:00 PM Pacific |
Contact | Jackie Blyn Tel (503) 962-2218 Fax 503-962-2298 blynj@trimet.org |
Solicitation Type | Formal Quote |
Description | Request for Formal Quotes for an Art Technician |
Number | RS140280BW | |
Title | TriMet Continuity of Operations Plan | |
Bids Due Date/Time | 10/14/2013 2:00:00 PM Pacific | |
Contact | Brian Woodall Tel (503) 962-3055 Fax (503) 962-2298 woodallb@trimet.org | |
Solicitation Type | Request for Proposal | |
Description | The Tri-County Metropolitan transportation District of Oregon (TriMet) invites sealed proposals for a TriMet Continuity of Operations Plan |
Number | RO140267JF |
Title | Buy America Audit and Vehicle Inspection Services |
Bids Due Date/Time | 10/18/2013 2:00:00 PM Pacific |
Contact |
Jim Fronk Tel (503) 962-4953 Fax (503) 962-2298 fronkj@trimet.org |
Solicitation Type | Request for Proposal |
Description | The Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District of Oregon (TriMet) requests proposals from qualified firms interested in providing Buy America Audit and Vehicle Inspection Services. |
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Why do I keep giving Trimet a chance? It was TWENTY fucking minutes late and the job crew had to leave without me. Fuck my life. @_BlaknBlu_ |
@trimet Really? The machine is dead, the entire transit center is out of power, and you're sending out maintenance? #trimet #gimmeabreak
— Nonpartisan (@nonpartisantoo) September 23, 2013
@trimet hey, where's the agenda? Less than 48 hours till the meeting! pic.twitter.com/VHDbrfCGHk
— PDX Transit Lane (@pdxtransitlane) September 23, 2013