
Thursday, July 5, 2012

Classic tweets

Before anybody goes into gyrations about lazy overpaid employees it must be noted that Neil IMPOSED a two year hiring freeze on drivers. He even threatened layoffs. Of course we know now that it was all theater,designed to scare the crap out of low seniority drivers and get concessions from the union. 

Then he started his "bullying" campaign against his own workforce by making speeches like I AM PUTTING THE UNION ON NOTICE, announcing to the world HOW OVER COMPENSATED WE ARE, leaking stories that made operators look badly, and telling his management to CLAMP DOWN on everyone. People didn't want to stay here under those conditions so they left in droves, including myself. 
(I didn't really want to leave here but I was under intense pressure including phony complaints made up by Mcfarlanes FIRST TRANSIT 'secret riders'. Of course I was a special case after the yellow crash video was posted and then I REFUSED TO GIVE UP MY SOURCES. After that I knew my days were numbered. This kind of thing WAS NEVER A POSSIBILITY UNDER FRED HANSEN'S LEADERSHIP) 

  SECRET RIDERS WERE DISPATCHED to plague operators. Criticizing everything including driver's weight, hair style, etc.   Driver's don't get to know any details of these reports. All of these things combined to create a HOSTILE WORK ENVIRONMENT so many drivers just took the pension and left. Other drivers lost their respect for the agency that employs them so they don't bother to come to work if they don't want to. 

My thought is that Mcfarlane is trying to get rid of the 'old timers' who were not scared to tell management to fuck off and replace them with newbies ALL THANKFUL TO HAVE ANY JOB, never mind one that pays reasonably well and will never speak up for themselves. (a docile compliant workforce)


Anonymous said...

Can someone..Joe or Al, get information w/o a PRR?


-how many AM bus runs (full or tripper) canx on 7/5/12?
- how many AM trains canx 7/5/12?
- when bus runs on scheduled routes are cancelled, how is that communicated to the waiting rider?
- is that rider compensated in any measure--courtesy day-ticket, call to their employer or caregiver?
- how does TriMet help the operator whose schedule may be impcacted by heavy loads, etc? Is the operator's recovery/break time protected?

punkrawker4783 said...

Well if TriMet didnt max out all of its employees, thered be more to go around. Now I see why the TriMet model of PT scheduling can help no one (plus your union contract doesn't allow more than 30hrs a week). We get LOTS of runs filled by PT operators who work in the opposite time of day in which they are scheduled 3-5 hours of their own regular work (and our contract doesn't limit us to 30 hours a week).