
Saturday, March 2, 2013


Recently Mcfarlane handed raises to all his top executives. These are all people making six figure salaries already. And he continues hiring even more executives to expand his little kingdom of ass kissers.

See Trimet operates on the corporate model, take from the workers so you can give more to yourself.
I as a retiree have lost 25% of my retirement and if I actually get sick now an additional $3000 will come out of what's left, about $750/mo.
But that's not even good enough for Mcfarlane and  his board of useless puppets. They want even more from us. 

But they all get raises. Nice huh?

Trimet is a  monopoly and since a large portion of the population is stuck using Trimet weather they like it or not they get absolutely no consideration. The riders have suffered  cutbacks year after year. And fare increases on top of it. Just too bad for them I guess.

How much more can we allow this group of thieves to step all over us?
How much will the employees and riders take before they end up with nothing?

How much indeed!

Untitled from al m on Vimeo.

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