
Friday, September 20, 2013


The A-Holes that run Trimet always love to dump responsibility onto the grunts working there. Do this do that, read this read that, know this know that, it never ends if you're a Trimet union employee.
Here is one item that I always found amusing, these idiots have this huge "HR MANUAL" and they actually expect their hourly wage employees to know what's in there, AT THEIR OWN EXPENSE. 

Each quarter, TriMet employees are notified and reminded about their access and responsibility to review current policies. All employees are provided with electronic access to the policies available on TriNET. It is every employee’s responsibility to read and understand TriMet policies and expectations for employee conduct and work. (at their own expense and time of course)  All employees have computer access to TriNET, through computer workstations or kiosks located at all major TriMet facilities or at their desktops. Using one of the kiosks to access TriNET does not require a username and password.  Computer workstations require an individual computer username and password. If you do not currently have a username and password, you may obtain them by contacting your manager or trainer to request access from IT. We also provide each TriMet facility with a paper copy of the HR policy manual. Contact your manager for the location of the paper copy. The policies can be easily found by going to the TriNET home page, and clicking on “HR Employee Manual” found on the bottom left of the page. If you have questions or wish to receive a hard copy of the material, please contact Human Resources at 503-962-6494.

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