
Friday, March 8, 2013

I went back to Santa Rosa this week

I also went down to the Santa Rosa Transit Mall a place where I spent a few years with quite a few good people. Didn't recognize a single soul, granted it was a really long time ago. And I felt no connection at all. Which I found a little strange. Hardly remember any of it to be honest, that's how unimpressive it was I guess. I do remember them treating me very well down there however. They tried to get me to stay but driving a bus full time for the rest of my life back then was not something I would consider. They had a great full time job there. Everybody worked a 7 hour day and got 8 hours pay. NO BURNOUT!
Now Trimet on the other hand, one of the most profound experiences of my life

Going back to Santa Rosa Transit from al m on Vimeo.


Jason McHuff said...

They renovated it recently; I don't think the permanent restrooms are done yet.

Also, looks like the county offers WiFi on some buses.

Al M said...

County does indeed