
Friday, March 15, 2013


liar gif photo: liar liar liar_liar.gif
I'm comparing the executive wages in 2009 to the wages in 2013.
What the two lists show is that most of the executives had gotten a raise IN BETWEEN  this last raise even though Mcfarlane had claimed there had been no raises for four years!
They had to change their rhetoric from four years to three and a half years because they got caught lying about the raises they hid for themselves in the 'contingency' budget.

Mcfarlane has lost any credibility that he had left. As far as I was concerned he lost his complete creditability a long time ago but this recent scandal cannot be ignored.

If the PORTLAND TRANSPORT post is accurate Mcfarlane is guilty of downright fraud.

Mcfarlane has  miscalculated in many ways. 
He  might have the mainstream media under his thumb but everyone knows that bloggers have now taken over the role of investigative journalism.

The ruling class is getting away with murder against the citizens. We have the best example of this right here at Trimet  in our faces. Can we stop this outrage? So far they continue to hold all the cards and  spit in our faces with their arrogance as witnessed by the recent board members gloating that the executives were given raises. 

“I'm not upset that you lied to me, I'm upset that from now on I can't believe you.”
Friedrich Nietzsche

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