
Wednesday, May 9, 2012


I had an interesting talk with Jeff Ackerson this afternoon who informed me of the sad state of affairs surrounding our grievance/arbitration process.
From what I was hearing it appears that each one of these arbitrations between management and employees gets very costly, so costly that the union may be in the red up to $1,000,000 when its all accounted for. So the next question is who's gonna pony up for that?
I bet ya its the members that will have to pay for it. 
In any event  the candidates for ATU president need to start addressing this issue!


HRSRampantLion said...

I suspect this is another 'back-door' method the District is employing to bust the Union.

It's unfortunate that our current and past incumbent leadership has such an adversarial relationship with the International ATU. That will be my first phone call toward resolving this deficit. Int’l must be prepared to combat this kind of union-busting assault.

At the same time, I will encourage our new Financial Secretary/Treasurer to work closely in committee to advance 'truth and reconciliation' for all members to see, right out in the open on our new LU website I propose to call 'The HUB'. Every member must know where every cent comes from and goes to every single day. This information must be easily accessible for every member.

This will be the beginning of a new culture of forthcoming above-board, cards-on-the-table accountable leadership and exemplary full-disclosure. And, every leader must be prepared to account and explain the rationale for each and every decision we make. Every member must be a party to the solutions, every idea a contribution to the resolution.

I have said I will not rest until the fundamental problems with our LU are on course toward a happier and fiscally healthier future. No matter what is required (officer pay cuts, limitation of mark-offs, liquidation of assets, or replacing paid staff with volunteers) I will devote every waking hour to the solutions upon which we will agree. If it means I will drive the bus for three days a week and work at the Union office for the remaining four, I am ready, willing and able to make that commitment to you, brothers and sisters, for our brighter future together.

–Tom Horton

Bruce Hansen said...

So, this has been an increasing concern for the past 10 years. Our grievances have continued to pile up and with the last 2 1/2 years with no joint labor committee they have grown greatly in number, with wait times from 3+ years to a maximum, that I have heard of, of 6 years in the arbitration process. This is not acceptable in my eyes. It is clearly a method used by the district to exhaust a large amount of union money and time.
In my opinion the first thing we need to do is utilize processes already in our contracts and state laws. A large number of these grievances, I would estimate 2/3 or more, are attributed to TriMet, by not following the contract. Plus TriMet needs to be forced to bargain in good faith.
Dealing with TriMet and reopening Joint Labor Relations Committee(JLRC) and working with already paid local officers and the newly formed grievance committee, as frequently as needed will resolve this backlog of grievances in a timely manner. In addition I will utilize our local resources such as in house legal and officers instead of hiring outside attorneys and bringing in a highly paid consultant. By settling issues on a local basis, using local resources, this will reduce this huge financial burden.
By bringing us up to date utilizing a database technology we can easily research and track grievances/arbitrations. Members with a few quick strokes of a keyboard a member could find the current status of their grievance/arbitration through a secure website maintained and monitored by the association.
This is just some of the ways that this huge burden could be reduced and at the same time save the union a lot money.
As for Mr. Horton's comments, He has publicly announced that he is not willing to take a pay cut and I have stated many times that I WILL take a 20% pay cut upon taking office. As for my family, I look at them as an asset to the union.

HRSRampantLion said...
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HRSRampantLion said...


Where, exactly, did I announce my unwillingness to take a pay cut? It's true, I have argued against diminishing the relative 'clout' of a pyramidal pay structure, and am concerned with the image of 'seriousness' conveyed across the bargaining table from District professionals who earn as much as former Presidents of the United States. Unlike yourself, I have repeatedly said I WILL DO WHATEVER the newly elected leadership agrees will right this LU ship on a course toward a sound fiscal future.

Enlighten us, if you please, those of us who have for years been shut out of the union establishment, what is a, "Joint Labor Relations Committee?" How is it composed, and what would be its objectives? And what is this, "Newly formed grievance committee," its composition and function?

Tell us, if you will, those of us who must maintain work schedules of 50 and 60 hours each week, exactly how you propose to 'force' TriMet to bargain in good faith? I'm very pleased you have finally decided to use this forum to communicate your ideas and challenge me to defend mine--I welcome your contribution!

Furthermore, I agree that we should bring 'the association's' website up to date, and include the tracking of grievances and arbitrations. Do you agree with my proposal to openly account for our financial, budgetary, and treasury details on this new website--after all, that was brother Margulies question--how will you or I deal with a $1,OOO,OOO deficit? I believe reconciliation starts with full disclosure. The members have every right to know where their dues are going at all times.

Finally, in rebuttal, I am sure your wife and children are as fine human beings as are you, but your household's work for the union wouldn't exactly be 'non gratis' even if you do take a 20% cut in pay. Many of us, hundreds that I talk to, have had quite enough of this established practice of nepotism on the part of both the District and the Union. We are sick to death of losing our job promotions to duel and triple TriMet households, and infamous President-families who continue to suck our union coffers dry long after they have outstayed their welcome.

I propose to get the job done in a limited time without further encumbering our brothers and sisters to generations of progeny. Then, after my service to the Union I will return to my proud career as a bus driver for the duration of my service until I retire, hopefully around the year 2042.

P.S. I corrected this comment to reflect my projected retirement at age 65.

HRSRampantLion said...

LOL It's for obvious reasons that I'm not running for Treasurer--may the heavens help me to retire before I'm 75 years old!