
Friday, May 18, 2012

When you..... can get an answer:
@AndWorse: @trimet Would you happen to know why the bus shelter at SW Barbur & Bertha was removed, please? Is this permanent?
@trimet: @AndWorse The shelter in front of Fred Meyer was removed during construction of the store and some work on the street.
@trimet: @AndWorse It should be replaced next week.


Erik H. said...

Except that the information is WRONG:

The shelter was removed on Tuesday.

The store's construction was done MONTHS AGO.

I asked nicely. Try again Jason.

Erik H. said...

From October 2011. Burlingame Fred Meyer reopens.

Do you need any more documentation, Jason, of you and TriMet being WRONG? Or is every news outlet in Portland wrong because you're just the ever-so-smart-know-it-all that has nothing better to do with his sorry life than to bitch and whine and complain about me?

Jason McHuff said...

Where did you ask nicely like that person did?

And while the main store construction may have been done a while ago, they may also be doing something where the shelter is. Moreover, it says they are also doing work on the street. And didn't you say they were doing construction there this week or last?

Anonymous said...

And..there is NO on-street information for those customers. NO construction: shelter GONE last Tuesday. Store re-opened LAST October.

Come on now my last post to you. It's about equality in customer service to every customer.

Jason McHuff said...

I understand the store has long since re-opened, but there may be other work that they are doing. I'm pretty sure Erik said there was work going on at the stop pretty recently.

Al M said...

Jason this vendetta is silly

Jason McHuff said...

I was just trying to point out that someone else had the same question, asked politely, and TriMet answered.

Al M said...

Ya Cameron is right!
Jason just has to challenge Erik, he can't help it.

I don't see Erik making posts about you Jason, so its sorta silly for you to be making posts about him.

Jason McHuff said...

All I do is respond to what he says and try to point out issues with it.

Max said...

On one hand you have Erik who doesn't know what he's talking about, making outlandish claims, conspiracy theories, overreacting, etc and then you have Jason who is trying to reason with him - when he knows that Erik will never "get it."

I'm not sure who to point the finger at -- the drunk, or the guy trying to reason with the drunk.

Max said...

I follow the advice of a wise operator regarding arguing with "drunks"; so I just ignore Erik's posts/comments/etc -- as do many others.

It's simply not worth my time/energy; sort of like arguing with Terry P, commenters on the boregonian's website, etc.

Erik H. said...

I find it interesting that it's an outlandish claim that:

1. TriMet, when it responded to another person, claimed the bus shelter was removed due to Fred Meyer store construction,

2. The construction at the Fred Meyer store has been done back in October as noted in various published news reports,

3. The bus stop shelter was removed,

4. There is a perfectly legitimate question as to why a bus shelter was removed for no valid reason - and furthermore why TriMet is not answering it when the question was posted by myself to TriMet through official TriMet communications channels.

So if I don't know what I'm talking about, please elaborate. Because apparently now I'm "seeing things" (or rather, NOT seeing things) and I guess that makes me "(not) know what he's talking about, making outlandish claims, conspiracy theories, overreacting".

What's next - I say the Earth is round and the sky is blue, and I'm hopped up on drugs and being accused of being insane? I never knew that stating verifiable facts and asking questions about said facts would equate me to being drunk and making outlandish claims.

Jason McHuff said...

It's possible that it's a project separate from the main store remodel. Businesses do projects all the time.

It's also possible that they gave the information/best answer they had. Remember that the TriMet Marketing department is well removed from the actual people requesting the shelter removal, and that in the game of Telephone, words can have a way of changing along the way.

There is a perfectly legitimate question as to why a bus shelter was removed for no valid reason - and furthermore why TriMet is not answering it when the question was posted by myself to TriMet through official TriMet communications channels.

Did you ask nicely and politely? I asked where you did and you have yet to show me. And again, how did you come to the conclusion that there was "no valid reason" and will not be in the future? How do you know there wasn't a request for removal to do construction work or other reason?

Lastly, you still haven't answered another important question: Isn't it true that you saw construction at the stop very recently?

Max said...

Erik: the outlandish part is that:

1) you're getting bent out of shape over a shelter being gone for 3 days.

2) before getting bent out of shape you didn't even bother asking why.

3) it's not even your stop

I didn't bother reading rest of your comment.