
Sunday, January 13, 2013

Portland A-Foot always finding interesting info

  • Even after fares go up, it will still be cheaper to ride the Green Line to Lents than to buy enough beef jerky to pedal there.
  • Despite all the chatter, TriMet bus operator compensation is only 6 percent above average among similarly sized agencies. (However, this doesn’t include health benefits in retirement, something TriMet has promised its employees up the wazoo.)
  • TriMet’s 2012 budget, including rail construction, would theoretically be enough to rent every transit commuter in the City of Portland a personal stretch limo to drive to work every weekday all year, plus a free Stumptown coffee for the morning ride. (Though not enough to build the extra highway lanes this would require.) 
  •  Money. All of it. | Portland Afoot

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