Ignorance and greed, Mcfarlane's greatest ally.
Most TriMet driver's know very little about LIFT drivers and virtually nothing about the issues affecting them that will ultimately affect themselves.
Trimet has all of its workforce working like dogs but making pretty good money in the process.
My personal opinion is that Mcfarlane is playing a gambit that he thinks he will win if he sees it through.
The lack of solidarity at TriMet is pretty obvious, there are even anti union employees who belong to the union.
I've said it a thousand times, don't ever underestimate the executive management, these are highly intelligent very skilled people.
I am sure they have investigated all the potential outcomes.
Mcfarlane has the support of his board and the governor, those are the people he answers too, nobody else.
He suspects that most operators don't really care about any of it.
He's probably right, I hate to admit that, but that is what I see after years of watching Trimet employees and managers.
You are confusing cynical, corrupt, anti-worker hubris with intelligence. Don't underestimate your fellow former co-workers sense of self-respect and distrust of upper management.
If only there was a way to communicate with the union employees, then it would be a landslide.
In the end it is the workers who have the power.
And the only people they really need to walk are the light rail operators, one day of no light rail would send this city into massive convulsions to which they would immediately succumb.
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