
Tuesday, April 9, 2013


I don't work at Trimet any longer. Why do I care what happens internally over there anymore? Other than curiosity  I really don't.
I care that Trimet lied to me and the other retirees. Made commitments they had no intention of honoring. 
They broke contracts and got away with it. (The only contracts that are legally enforceable apparently are contracts between inanimate objects, like 'counties' or 'companies')
All the people working at Trimet seem to be relatively happy, who am I to say otherwise. There is no union spirit at Trimet, hell 1/2 the workforce is anti union. 
So when Trimet eventually prevails over the ATU 757 this is what workers can look forward too.
The oligarchs have you by the balls fellow citizens.

On Sunday, April 7, the Los Angeles Times ran a disturbing front-page story on the topic of worker victimization. The article pointed out that employers now believe (especially since the recession) that they are firmly in the driver’s seat, that the economy has become such a lopsided “buyer’s market” that they can now pretty much force their employees to do anything they wish. After all, who or what is going to stop them?

It’s sad to report, but businesses have won. They’ve increased their production demands, they’ve extended employees’ work hours (after having laid off a number of them), they’ve taken to issuing ultimatums (If you don’t like it here, quit), and they’ve done all this while, simultaneously, having kept wages relatively stagnant. As for traditional benefits such as pensions, bonuses, sick leave and paid vacations, forget about it. Most of those have been abolished.

Read the entire essay: It’s All About Resistance | Dissident Voice

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