
Monday, April 22, 2013

Today's "seen and heard on Trimet"

But not seen on TRIMET'S HOW WE ROLL BLOG!
Is this SAFE ?? That seat being pulled apart BY A TWO YEAR OLD!!! MAX car 117B
It took me 1 hour to fly from Sac to PDX. It took me 2+ hours to take Trimet to my apt on the edge of Hboro. Sweet.

I almost read a Trimet QR code using the PDX Bus app earlier. Key word being almost.

This 9 I just let pass me at 1st and Arthur is literally the most crowded fucking bus I have ever seen.

Fuck you trimet!

woah woah there trimet it ain't summer yet turn off the a/c💨✋

Awesome 75 driver waited for a guy to get off to retrieve grocery bag & then as a cashier brought same guy beer he also forgot.

Move it . I want to be able to enjoy at least a minute of the sunshine. Lets get me home before the sun sets this time. Okay? Thanks.

Just saw a Max operator proceed against his light. (red wbnd oak & sw 1st)

Four Blue Line and one Red Line trains headed east between outbound Green Line runs

I can't decide if I prefer the smell of B.O. or the smell of overwhelming perfume.

this is a bus. We don't want to hear swear words and how you are going to get laid every 5 seconds.

I've got news for you trimet: raises and pay increases come with merit and performance in any job I've had. What's your excuse?

why do I always hope for reliable service for the Monday evening commute when you consistently disappoint every day of the week?

I'm going to start carrying a fucking brick with me so I can throw it at every trimet bus that passes me by while looking right at me.

It has been almost half an hour since a Green Line train headed east from the Lloyd District

Ready to give up completely. 1st day on train in 2 weeks & trimet fails me again. Not worth it. Will drive, fewer headaches.

There goes line 21 as I pull in at Parkrose. Thanks so fucking much. This really screws my day

I hate Trimet.

Green line trains eastbound out of old station are nonexistant, what gives?

This "team " bullshit makes me want to hurl. We aren't a team when the leaders oppress the followers and workers for their own gain.

People who put their feet up and take up two seats on the light rail during rush hour can just die.

Dear , your bus service on the west side blows. But your driver are awesome.

Hey how about more cross-town buses that run more than once every 40 minutes?

Effing bus was late an missed this one, good thing it runs every 20 mins! (@ Trimet Bust Stop Id 5491)

I think max train train 206A needs to go back to preschool to learn how to spell

The fact that I've been out of class for half an hour and I still haven't left Pioneer Courthouse Square is infuriating. Come on, Trimet.

I like that on the trimet I am hardly the weirdest looking. Haha!

And this driver is fucking making me crazy driving slow as fuck and waiting extra time on stops. FUCK. I hate Trimet.

You don't actually have buses in Hillsboro, do you? I've waited for them multiple times and each time has resulted in giving up.

The machine to the left of the coffee stand at Sunset is not accepting cards again/still.

Holding at Rose Q, police officer and TriMet security just boarded. Great...

I Really HATE Trimet So Fucking Much!!!

line 87, where sometimes your bus just wont come at all. ?

Props to #2310 bus driver this morning. His customer service is making this Monday a little nicer.

Woke up at 530 am to get ready to take the trimet bus to work..Thinking I was gonna be late. I'm an hour early... Standing outside, freezing

does "we will pass this along to the manager" mean you put the concern in the trash can?

Don't know when line 6 started, but bus 2522 already has something spilled on the floor near the back door. Great way to start .

66 minute commute on as opposed to a 10 minute drive. I’m sorry but why should I?

Pisses me off when the bus doesn't stop so I have to stand here for 20 min in the rain. Fuck you TriMet

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