A private collection of material focusing on the never ending joys of the Trimet industrial complex-Follow the Twitter feed for complete coverage and trimet scanner calls https://twitter.com/AlYourPalster
Saturday, January 30, 2016
Friday, January 29, 2016
Dozens of 6+ figure employees and TRIMET can't make a decent gate
I don't understand how Trimet is able to get away with all the shady shit they pull.
$1.5 billion and this is what they come up with
BikePortland did a good story on this
What really happens when an employee has a gruesome accident
Well the truth is not quite what she would have you believe.
Below the break is the truth from someone who actually knows.
Having some knowledge of Trimet and its strange ways, I already know that the Trimet board meetings are scripted cheer leading sessions. You can't believe much of what these managers have to say. According to them Trimet is prefect and Trimet is the BEST TRANSIT AGENCY in the world. Some people actually believe that. The truth is actually what the former, now deceased, Trimet advocate Michael Levin at THIS TRIMET BOARD MEETING spoke
Thursday, January 28, 2016
Screwing its retirees is how Trimet rolls
#trimet gave its retirees Greek style cut
Mainstream media only pumps pro government propaganda #atu757 pic.twitter.com/ipGx2lFZ9M
— AL M (@AlYourPalster) January 29, 2016
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Jared Franz of ATU757
Jason Mchuff's excellent testimony to the Trimet board
Sorry Portland that your transit system sucks
$44 million and counting for #trimet fancy fare systems but don't count on your bus/train to show up on time pic.twitter.com/68aOqvCF7s
— AL M (@AlYourPalster) January 27, 2016
Hatchet man Stedmen up to his usual union busting bullshit
(read his memo below the break)
#Trimet scum executive Randy Stedmen already trying to destabilize atu757 by doing illegal actions pic.twitter.com/9j2DU4UPnS
— AL M (@AlYourPalster) January 27, 2016
Trimet is negotiating contract prices AFTER they award contracts
Tuesday, January 26, 2016
Our communities are being displaced by rising rents and stagnant wages. OPAL is fighting to stop it. https://t.co/hc6ZPLihDJ
— OPAL Oregon (@OPALpdx) January 27, 2016
Interesting information about the "stealth tax increase"
Driving Trimet transit buses will kill you
The "truth" about the e-fare system
Transit Police are watching: Privacy advocates raise Compass Card concerns
More than 550,000 transit users across Metro Vancouver are now using the Compass Card system. Advocates are advising anyone with privacy concerns over the new system to use cash.
Photograph by: Jenelle Schneider , PNG
They say the new Compass Card system raises several concerns about the privacy of its more than 550,000 users.
Transit Police have the ability to track a rider’s past 10 “taps” using hand-held units (HHUs) to check if cards are stolen, expired, have a valid tap-in and contain a valid fare.
The HHUs don’t show police a rider’s personal information, such as their name, address or credit card number, TransLink said in an email.
“Cards only store the product and value on the card, its serial number, and the travel and financial transaction history,” TransLink said.
But how that history may be used has privacy advocates concerned.
“The police want that information for a reason,” said Micheal Vonn, policy director at the B.C. Civil Liberties Association.
“It’s not a matter of suggesting that you have something to hide. The question is, how do we contend with the fact that this system tracks you?
“It’s kind of like asking, ‘How do you feel about having the police follow you around on your daily route?’ Because this would amount to essentially the same information outcome.”
Vonn said it’s important for riders with privacy concerns to consider using cash to buy and load their Compass cards instead of registering them.
“You minimize the amount of tracking that can be traced to you by paying for your card in cash,” Vonn said.
Vonn said there’s a “huge red flag” to send up about systems that don’t let riders to pay with cash.
“However much we shape the system here, there will always be people for whom it will be, at a minimum, a security concern,” she said.
“For those people, cash has to be an option. We’re very concerned about systems that do not allow for that, and don’t want to see those in the future.”
Vincent Gogolek, executive director at the B.C. Freedom of Information and Privacy Association, said it’s clear that TransLink has “put some thought into” the issue of privacy.
But he’s concerned with how the data may be used if TransLink someday changes its privacy policy or if such data falls into the wrong hands.
Gogolek said he questions, for example, whether Compass’s data storage poses a threat to someone fleeing an abusive partner who’s gained access to their tap-in itinerary because they share a Compass account.
Or, if some day, to increase revenue, TransLink sells rider data to businesses looking to target them with marketing based on their transit routes.
“This is not the current Compass card, but places it could go if people decide to take it there,” Gogolek said.
“That’s the thing about big data — this data wasn’t available to anybody because it didn’t exist. Now it’s available and TransLink has it because that’s the way the system works. The question is, what do they do with it?”
TransLink said the Compass Card system adheres to the privacy and security requirements of B.C.’s Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPPA).
TransLink must share personal information with law enforcement when disclosure is required or authorized by law and in line with FOIPPA requirements.
But personal information may only be shared with “providers whose services are related to delivery and operation of the Compass program, and who meet our strict privacy and security requirements.”
TransLink said it’s heard from customers who are “uncomfortable” registering their Compass Cards. It recommends they use cash, credit or debit at Compass vending machines to buy and load their cards.
The Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner for B.C. said in an email that it has “not received any complaints about Compass and privacy issues.”
Since 2003, transit riders in London, England, have been using the Oyster Card, developed by Cubic Transportation Systems, the firm behind the Compass Card.
London’s Metropolitan Police submitted more than 22,000 requests for Transport for London data between 2008 and 2011, according to a report by The Guardian.
The transport authority couldn’t provide a breakdown of how many requests were related to Oyster Card, but a police spokesman told The Guardian it was likely most were related.
Oyster data was used by police for investigations into offences such as theft, robbery, missing persons and sexual offences.
In June 2015, 56.5 million Oyster Cards were valid for use, but 34 million of those had not been used for more than one year.
Vancouver police and B.C. RCMP did not respond before deadline to inquiries about their use of Compass Card data in investigations.
The truth about the Trimet e-fare system from al m on Vimeo.
Saturday, January 23, 2016
Trimet seeking new tax streams
Friday, January 22, 2016
You'd think that if the same problems happens over and over Trimet could fix it
Thursday, January 21, 2016
Henry Beasley
Wednesday, January 20, 2016
Trimet social media team doing a damn good job
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
Joys of Public transportation
Stay classy @trimet route 72 riders, stay classy. #BusArt pic.twitter.com/S3QgRsZ8Jq
— Kole A Myrick (@KoleBigEars) January 20, 2016
Todays Trimet rail fail
LOOK BOTH WAYS pic.twitter.com/kevq6kG2Lk
— PJ (@__P__J) January 20, 2016
TriMet accident with car on SW Jefferson/19th blocking both ways. @ABC @NBCNews @FoxNews @CBSNews @breakingPDXnews pic.twitter.com/YRcfwFsGX9
— Ryan Manis (@rpmanis11) January 20, 2016
Sunday, January 17, 2016
Mcfarlane says he has no money for bus 71 enhancements at the same time he talks about the BRT
He gets finished talking about a project that will cost hundreds of millions then tells the 71 rider there is no money to improve bus 71
Global light rail agenda
Saturday, January 16, 2016
The Trimet dickhead gives union buster Stedmen a new contract
Make no mistake, Mr Mcfarlane is no pal to the working men and woman at Trimet. He knows the kinds of tactics that Stedmen uses and he fully supports that and so does that board of sock puppets.
Trimet director Prosser....Does he really care
Does Prosser actually care?
What happend to Jonell Bell?
Will ATU survive?
Friday, January 15, 2016
Bruce Warner shuts down Ben Fein
Tireless activist Ben Fein |
It's very rare for any sort of disruption to happen at these staged events which function as a pep rally for Trimet and where they hand out millions to the insider contractors for all the capital projects that go through Trimet
Randy Stedmen got up in front of the board of puppets to proclaim that his employee was BEING ABUSED by the Trimet retirees.
It happens to be a lie. Stedmens claim to fame is his skill as a union buster. He will do anything in the form of retaliation if it causes distress for the union employees.
Ben called that out and true to form the head of the sock puppets Bruce Warner would hear nothing of it.
These people control everything and the rest of us have to put up with it. When will Portlander's wake up to the reality of the selfish lying technocrats that run the Portland transit agency called Trimet?
One city realized that fare evaders should not be treated like criminals
Austin Metro realizes that the fare evasion fines were abusive and lowered them
Your move #trimet
End the madness pic.twitter.com/xhD3HvOcnE
— AL M (@AlYourPalster) January 15, 2016
Board of labor delays decision on challenges to ATU757 election
Thursday, January 14, 2016
Why I am against Trimet BRT
![]() |
Powell residents can look forward to years of mayhem |
Great twitter discussion with Brian R
More meaningful Trimet statistics
Tuesday, January 12, 2016
Monday, January 11, 2016
Neils Bullshit
The thing about Trimet's 'fare subsidy" program is that it is only available to AGENCIES not people. People have to go through various non profit agencies to get discounted passes and/or tickets. But where do you find out about that? I have yet to see even one place where this information is distributed.
Sapporta and Lomax talk about Trimet fatalities
Sandi Day says she was tortured by Trimet managers after her incident |
We also know that every member of the Trimet staff that speaks at these board meetings will only give the side of the story that supports Trimet managers.
You will never hear one negative thing about Trimet coming from any Trimet manager at these meetings so these "official" meetings are of limited value after the public hearing part. It's basically a "cheer leading" session where Trimet managers blow their own horns and the Trimet 'board' members utter various platitudes.
I was never involved in any accidents so I have no real life experience in fatalities.
My only real experience in the realm of media was the SANDI DAY INCIDENT and Sandi gave a totally opposite opinion of her experience than what Lomax is presenting.
All of the managers that were involved with Sandi Day are still managers at Trimet today.
When you listen to the Trimet managers everything is wonderful in Trimet land.
When you listen to the employees (who have no voice) things are not so wonderful.
Also all the American public transit agencies refuse to put in pedestrian barriers due to "costs".
Interestingly they do that in Asia but not here.
Of course all these fatalities are blamed on the citizens that get killed or injured basically because "they didn't look".
Surface light rail is well known to be a hazard to the citizenry, both pedestrians and in automobiles
Public transit in the USA says this safety feature it too expensive |
Sunday, January 10, 2016
American public transit operates totally opposite from the public airline industry
Hatchet man Randy Stedmen retaliates against Trimet retirees for the election of Shirley Block
Odd service alerts
#19 Line 19 due to multiple cars parking on 23rd to Union Manor do NOT service Union Manor until further notice.
#63 No service to stops between the Oregon Zoo and SW 18th & Salmon. Buses use Hwy 26.
[what's the point of the route then, since you could just take MAX?]
#47 Rock Creek Buses check your reroutes for changes: LINE 47 #101, Line 52 #103, Line 67 #104.
#trimet #8 Line 8 Short line at Caruthers DO NOT GO UP THE HILL. for the rest of the service.
Saturday, January 9, 2016
King Neil escapes again
Problems with his employees, he goes out and hires a professional hit-man, RANDY STEDMEN. Mcfarlane can now pretend that he is Mr Nice guy even though Stedmen gets his direction from him.
In the case of his failing transit operations, he went out and dug up his old buddy BOB NELSON to take all the heat for all the operations failures.
Well Good old Bob decided to get out of town lately most likely because things just got worse and worse since he got there. So Mcfarlane got this new guy from Canada DOUG KELSEY. Well Doug was basically BOOTED OUT OF CANADA after the defeat of the transit referendum up there and good old Neil hired him for Trimet.
Today we have the OREGONIAN STORY about how max reliability is down the tubes and guess what? We have good old Doug taking the heat for all the MAX screw ups and once again Neil Mcfarlane is off the hook.
King Neil is in charge but all he wants to do is sit on the throne and be adored by all his minions. Heaven forbid he should have to take any responsibility for anything that screws up during his reign.
And the mainstream media gives him a pass, as usual.
Thursday, January 7, 2016
Trimet light rail safety record has gone down the tubes
#trimet max safety record has gone down the tubes pic.twitter.com/hoBNXWLhDN
— AL M (@AlYourPalster) January 7, 2016
Wednesday, January 6, 2016
Trimet Managers harassing Trimet employees
The Trimet managers used to call me in to these meetings that were nothing but complete bullshit head games then send me out to work my shift. My mind would be boiling during the shift with anger. I got to thinking about it and that's when it became obvious to me.
The Trimet managers wanted me out of there but I was (unfortunately for them) one of the most skilled drivers at Trimet. Not only was I technically proficient in the operation of a bus I was very well liked by the riders. Trimet had nothing on me there and trying to fire me because of my blogging activity could have turned into a major news story, something they fear more than anything.
So what could they do? Intentionally attempt to provoke me into an outburst and claim "insubordination" or hope that I would do something stupid during the work shift that they could use against me. None of those things happened but I got the hell out of there as quickly as I could the day I turned 58.
And here we have another Trimet employee going through this type of harassment
Listen Here!
No transit management could be so insanely ignorant to not understand that to upset a 'safety sensitive' employee in the middle of their shift could cause safety issues? Could this possibly be gross incompetence on the part of the Trimet managers? (these people are extremely stupid for sure)
Nah it has to be intentional.
Who will be the next victim of poor bus design?
The Deadly Blind "spot" on Transit Buses
An example of the universal concern pertaining to the left mirror and
A-pillar issue: just as those operators associated with TriMet raise
concerns over the flippant attitude of managers dismissing the
importance of this issue, an operator at King County Metro has the same
concerns over the new Proterra coaches about to be tested in the Seattle
area. This letter from an anonymous operator published in the Local
587 newsletter, is calling Metro out on this issue in the same
frustrated manner as those at TriMet anguish about the same concerns:
absolutely sickening that managers at transit agencies can't grasp the
concept. They should make it a priority to work with the ATU
International and with bus manufacturers to reduce the size of the left
mirror and alter its mounting position along with bus manufacturers
reducing the width of the A-pillar. I can't believe that these educated
and highly-paid managers can't understand that many lives will be saved
by just making some rather simple changes. Again 1) reducing the size
of the left mirror and alter its mounting position and, 2) forcing bus
manufacturers to reduce the width of the A-pillar ...bus manufacturers
do not understand the importance this simple alteration will make and
it's totally achievable with today's engineering technology.
Tuesday, January 5, 2016
Trimet rider calls out Trimet fascism
Monday, January 4, 2016
The best of the Trimet tweets during the latest "weather event"
Actually Trimet was as good as could be expected. The buses were a disaster because the roads are not cleared. Buses can't run on ice. The city, county, and state do a pretty miserable job of clearing the roads, always been that way. Can't blame Trimet if the roads aren't clear. Never understood why the agencies can't make sure the bus routes are clear during these events. Obviously the technocrats in charge don't care about it.
I bet all the information/technology people got to stay home along with the marketing and capital projects people.
Trimet is truly a class existence, union employees on the very bottom.
Funny exchange betweet Trimet rider, Trimet, and several tweeters about training that operators get for winter
Sunday, January 3, 2016
Classic Tweets
off-duty #trimet employee hit #trimet bus that had hit #trimet shelter while #trimet supervisor was investigating
— TriMet Scanner (@trimetscanner) January 3, 2016
I wonder how Randy Stedmen has time to operate his own business
#trimet's Randy Stedmen has time to run his own business on the side pic.twitter.com/RK40JKpjMQ
— AL M (@AlYourPalster) January 3, 2016