
Friday, February 21, 2014


Before I get into this let me state that there is no doubt that Trimet has vastly improved their social media presence, that much is obvious to those of us who follow this stuff.
I've seen example after example of Trimet actually corresponding with riders on twitter and even solving some problems so to that I say good job!

Maybe I am harder on them than most critics but its well deserved as far as I am concerned.

Now how do we, as members of the public spot Bull shit articles about Trimet? (or for that matter about any governmental or private institution)

It's actually very simple, the article or essay will offer no criticism of the agency whatsoever and only sings it praises. Furthermore if the article/essay is not allowing comments or is 'moderating' comments you know whoever wrote it is not interested in contrary points of view but only expounding their point of view.

When you see these things warning bells should go off in the readers heads

I'm referring to the following article:  Government Communication & TriMet's Winter Weather Response | Emerging Local Government Leaders NetworkEmerging Local Government Leaders Network

Now I tried to read that as carefully as possible but as soon as it lost credibility with me I started skimming the article, not even one line of criticism was found.

It also needs to be noted that the author is studying 'public affairs' and had recently worked as at an internship at the City of West Linn where he did work in communications and public affairs. 

Obviously Ben has learned the game well and I am sure a good paying job in some local government awaits him.

Let me repeat, personally I think Trimet has improved its social media response 1000%, however we that follow this stuff know that they always seem to disappear off social media when the proverbial shit hits the fan. 


Jason McHuff said...

It's not a journalism article. The guy is a college public administration student. And there is some self-criticism, as they note that they normally haven't had the resources to respond to people.

Also, the article makes me realize that I should have promoted my SystemMapper, and the ability to see where exactly the buses are and if they're moving. I think it's most useful in times like that when arrival predictions aren't possible.

Al M said...

Ya they haven't had the 'resources', seems like that is the template excuse for everything they have ignored.

Notice how Trimet ignored all the transit blogger feeds in its 'favorite twitter feeds' in that article.

The transit bloggers, specifically myself, Jason, and Lane, have done more to keep the public informed than anything Trimet has done, all conveniently ignored in that so called essay.

Al M said...

regarding this: It's not a journalism article.
It's an essay that is being circulated on the internet, does not have to be a 'journalism' article to influence peoples minds

Jason McHuff said...

It seems clear the "favorite feeds" question was not limited to a professional basis.

And the purpose of the article isn't to dig and attempt to give a full balanced report on TriMet and Twitter. It's just to highlight what TriMet did during the storm. I don't see any problem with influencing other people on what they could do.