
Friday, February 28, 2014

Johnell Bell tows the company line

That is no surprise of course, but I'll say in his defense he is doing what he can over there, he's a decent guy.

Transit plays a vital role in a just and equitable society. For many citizens, transit is a lifeline, which is why the history of civil rights and transit are so deeply intertwined.
At TriMet, we have a long history of not only meeting the letter of the law, but the spirit of the law. We are steadfast in our commitment to these equity principles, counter to the recent opinions expressed in The Oregonian by Organizing People Activating Leaders (OPAL’s) Jonathan Ostar.
At the heart of OPAL’s proposal for extended transfer time is the very real impact service cuts have taken on our riders. We are cognizant of how these cuts affect real families and real people, which is why TriMet is prioritizing restoring service on the most traversed and critical lines—we are treating the cause of the problem, rather than the symptom.
Read the essay HERE

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