I too would love TriMet if they gave me a six-figure job, a company vehicle with air conditioning so I didn't have to ride the bus, kick ass benefits like lots of vacation days, an office with a window, and I get to play SimCity all day long and do nothing but plan light rail lines. |
kick ass benefits like lots of vacation days
Why don't you try to get/fight for that if you want it?
an office with a window
And maybe that?
get to play SimCity all day long and do nothing but plan light rail lines.
How do you know that employee gets to do that?
How do you know that employee gets to do that?
Why else does that office exist, Mr. Know-it-all? Are you trying to suggest that Bus Operations works out of that office?
Why else does that office exist
Maybe to make it possible for people to oversee the construction and keep it under control? Do you really think the person plays SimCity all day long?
What gear?
How about tools that may be in the storage containers I see in the back of those trucks?
Also, your analogies don't fit. More appropriate ones would be Apple using PCs because there's a program that doesn't run on Apples or Safeway telling managers to buy something from Fred Meyer because Safeway doesn't carry it.
Please don't tell me you're both going to the transit meetup. Dear lord I wouldn't be able to stand it.
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