
Tuesday, October 30, 2012


4. The four MAX lines averaged a total of 121,700 weekday, 93,500 Saturday, and 68,100 Sunday
boardings in September. Weekday ridership was down on each of the four MAX lines,
averaging 62,700 on the Blue line, 22,500 on the Red line, 15,200 on the Yellow line, and 21,300
on the Green line. Total MAX ridership fell 6.6% during the peaks and 9.1% in off-peak
periods, resulting in an 8.4% drop in weekday ridership. Total weekend ridership was also down
(-4.8% Saturday, -8.3% Sunday), leading to a 7.9% decline in weekly MAX rides in September.
MAX rides had been down slightly in recent months due to increased fare enforcement, and part
of September’s MAX ridership loss is probably still related to this factor. However, most of the
MAX ridership decline was in the former Rail Free Zone area.

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