
Friday, November 15, 2013

Another Trimet 'fact check'

Actually its 'the other side of the story. This is regarding the woman left at bus stop in here wheelchair which made it to Joe Roses blog. Interesting defense here and it definitely makes sense.
The only problem I  had with that operator was the flippant remark made to the woman in the chair. It was unprofessional and unnecessary.

JOE ROSES ARTICLE  on this here
A rush to judgment? | TriMet News and Media Releases


Anonymous said...

It's amazing to see the stuff that TriMet operators have to put up with, and nice that the agency publicly defended her for handling a very difficult situation as best as conditions allowed. Nice work!

Jason McHuff said...

Looking at Google Street View, it appears that the car was illegally parked as there is a fire hydrant there. The curb may not be painted, but the driver's manual says not to park within 10 feet.

And it's interesting to see the operator's hand gestures.