
Saturday, November 16, 2013


While Mcfarlane talks about union employees having 'the richest benefits in the country' (which isn't even true) which is then  dutifully spit back by the mainstream press, nobody ever questions the Oligarchs getting literally getting  rich at Trimet. And that is the game plan the oligarchs play around the world. Talk about a subset of citizens getting more than another subset of citizens, have the citizens turn against each other, all the while the oligarchs are robbing those same citizens.
And everybody knows nobody is worth this kind of money, its not about 'skills' as they pretend, its about connections


 Fred Hansen's  pension after just 10 years is not almost $17k a month!
Brian Playfair  with a $11K per month pension
Olivia Clark $10k per month pension
Neil Mcfarlane Projected pension of $20k/mo

The smaller players are below. They didn't get obscene pensions but they are now profiting by 'double dipping' the Trimet treasury 

David Auxier $4.1k pension per month +$14.6k per month salary
Bob Nelson $4k/mo pension+ $16.6k per month salary
Harry Sapporta unknown pension $14.6k monthly salary


rainmagix said...

Let them eat cake is historical inaccuracy. It was never said by who they stated said it and it did not mean what we think it does today.

Imagine if you went to Mcdonalds and there was a law that said if they could not serve you a Hamburger they had to give you a steak. Say a nice porterhouse.

This was the law in France.

So if you ran out of peasant bread, you had to sell to the people the expensive Brioche bread at peasant bread. This motivated the bakery's to not just cater to those with money but to keep a ton of bread on hand.

So when told the Peasants have no bread the response of "Qu'ils mangent de la brioche" This phrase first appears around 1762 in a book by Jean-jocques Rousseau's Confession and was written when Marie Antoinette was just a little girl.

The idea that Peasents could get accesses to the butter and egg enriched Brioche was no bad thing at all. Who ever said it and there is evidence that it was an Austrian Royal member that did was not trying to say something bad.

It would be like saying "McDonalds is out of Hamburger well they better serve Porterhouse"

Nothing like the truth could stand in the way of the French Revolution Propagandist who first believe in the Revolution then distorted anything they could to support it. A fine tradition that continues to this day thus this saying never goes away despite it not being said by MA and probably being said long before the revolution and not being a bad thing.

When they say that hind sight is 20/20 they lie. The truth always hides when the lie is yelled loud enough.

Anonymous said...

The fact is that the expression has evolved to symbolize how out of touch the royalty/oligarchs were with the plight of the people/serfs. Simiiarly here in pdx, you have the Trimet executive class leaving their positions after relatively short stints (ie. Fred Hansen, 11 years) and taking lifelong pensions upwards of 200k a year, and doing so while doing everything possible to cut employee benefits (including sick days) and crying poverty to it's riders.