
Friday, September 14, 2012


Portland Streetcar Unites the City


Jason McHuff said...

note what's going faster at 15 seconds into the video

Al M said...

The cars..

Erik H. said...

Funny - at 1:05 the Operator is holding a microphone to a portable radio.

Of course, this would have been a good option to get those 3000 series buses on the roads - just give those operators portables (like road relief Operators)...but they had to go through that extensive parking lot testing. Meanwhile, SMART got new buses and without delay put them right into service - no extensive "dust" testing involved.

And uniting Portland? Let's ask the good folks whose bus lines were cut how they feel united but another downtown project. Just because it crosses the river doesn't make it "united".

Jason McHuff said...

What about the other testing and operator training (forgetting about how a portable radio doesn't provide AVL or other info)? Remember that low-floor Gilligs are new to TriMet.

And it's extra service, not road reliefs, that get portable radios.

Jason McHuff said...

And how many new buses did SMART get? I don't think it was 50+