
Friday, October 5, 2012

This article from UK hits home

When it comes to rank unreasonableness, he's not alone. In recent years, we've had a model refused entry for being too tall, pensioners wrongly ordered off and a nine-year-old and a 14-year-old ejected for being a few pence short. In separate incidents, two mums were kicked off: one, who was heavily pregnant, for being accompanied by a noisy child, the other for breastfeeding. Most awfully, a 22-year-old law student was beaten and raped in Nottingham after finding herself 20p short of the full fare and attempting to walk home at night. Is this some sort of epidemic? And how come so many of these cases feature some of society's most vulnerable?

Kicked off the bus, for what? | Jane Fae | Comment is free |

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