
Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Today's "seen and heard on Trimet"

But not seen on TRIMET'S HOW WE ROLL BLOG!

TriMet: fuck bus schedules, we'll come when we damn well please.

bus 23 just arrived 10 min late at 10000 block NE Pacific St Eastbound. Didn't show on Transit Tracker. This bus is NEVER on time.

I hate trimet

Stranded at Tigard TC missing an important event because apparently bus 12 just doesn't exist today... Man I love relying on trimet

Hey drunk people on the bus wassup!

Why have I been waiting for 1 hr for the #44?

Person in MAX tunnel escorted out. Trains moving again, according to TriMet.

it could be worse. You could be the pant less guy in the Robertson tunnel we just had to stop/wait for.

let's talk about how they had to get rid of door close buttons on the tube here because people closed the doors on each other.

This is ridiculous, there are 4 number 8 busses in a row in downtown. Literally right behind each other. Why am I paying you guys?

The combo of May Day and sunny weather seem to have brought out more crazies than usual out on the bus.

I hate Trimet.

I guess somebody lost their crack pipe #75

Ticket machine 147 at Quatama hasn't been accepting cards for 3 days.

TriMet bus driver doing announcements in English and Spanish. Awesome

, the 20 bus is running 17 late and then is drop off only with only 7 passengers. What gives?

took almost 30 minutes on 17 btwn Holgate and Powell. If it was a train blocking road again during RUSH HOUR, please 

The only thing I hate about Trimet is the fact that there aren't bathrooms. Although, at the same time... EW.

Your MAX operator needs a little help stopping at the platforms. Guy almost fell stepping off onto the curb.

hallelujah! line 87 driver is back from vacation, I can get to work on time again!!!

I cannot WAIT for the day that I no longer have to take the bus. Mine was early and didn't stop to catch up with its arrival time.

what are we going to walk?!?! We need to save our money and not ride trimet lol

There is no reason this bus should be 15 minutes late during one of the busiest times in the morning. Fuck you Trimet.

Why is it always the fat ugly ass couple making out and groping and shit on trimet. Like fucking gross. Get a damn room

Sums up most days with them, anymore. Their service is abhorrent and declining rapidly.

30 Apr
Is today make up your own route on the 70? Do the drivers just randomly decide if they're taking 13th or 17th?

I don't know what's worse , standing room only on the rush hour 4, or getting a seat, but stuck in Ross Island traffic on the 9.

If the bus is scheduled at 4:33, it shouldn't leave any earlier, right?

So nice of to leave all these people in the lurch, consecutive #31 #33 #32 buses all no shows in DT-PDX, and #99 drives past. WTF?!

There's nothing I hate more than Trimet

line 12 to tigard transit ctr bus #2530 driving.wreckless speeding and endangered passengers with abrupt breaking

I fucking hate trimet.

The question becomes why is someone attempting to control the circulation of air within buses?

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