
Monday, May 13, 2013

Today's "seen and heard on Trimet"

But not seen on TRIMET'S HOW WE ROLL BLOG!
No trimet, this is the wrong way, the train should go toward downtown not backwards toward gateway. :-P
It smells like pee on this train. (at MAX Blue Line) [pic]:

Ticket printers on all buses are a common sight now on . It's weird.

Bus 2012 hard stop on Yamhill due to jay walkers

can we get some porta potties at least? I along with 20 others had to see a man use the restroom across the road from the station.

Ok. Bus 1901 has stop announcements but no door announcements. 1904 has door announcements but no stop announcements. Got it.

Every god damn person who boards this bus has an elaborate story about why they can't pay their fare. Every fucking person.

"To think, we used to just smack 'em around & send 'em on their way." on new Sesame St. themed anti-drinking campaign

I just saw a TriMet Lift bus run over a dog. This can't be good.

Big Bird apparently doesn’t like being asked when the last trains are headed after timbers games. Told me to “figure it out myself”

Dirty couch and chair with coffee tables set up at a Trimet stop. Couple dirty dudes chillin'.

Going to work an hour early because you don't have a car & trimet sucks on Sundays, potentially worse than IB exams..

I am on this 77 and this driver is flying around corners. I'm going to be sick. bus 2705 77/04

Late for yoga because of fucking trimet and now I can't fucking meditate FUCK I NEEDED THAT, TOO.

Get on standing room only 75. Flash disabled pass to people in the front. Get seat. This would never happen in NYC. .

Late 75s fucking all my shit up. .

I wonder how many riders are responsible for making this bus smell like a friggin pot party

trimet y u lie to me

How can write citations when their machines won't even validate the tickets? What a screwed up organization. Figure your shit out.

I need my Car outta the shop ASAP is Not whats up

Seriously. People wouldn't complain about so much if it ever functioned properly or was on time. Ever.

I'm sitting in my apartment & hearing the train conductor say that the train is full. I hate crowded trains & am glad to be inside.

just an FYI- there should be a train every 5mins during rush hour. xoxo

driver of 2145 today (route 94) spending to much time waving at stopped cars and honking his horn to pick up passengers I guess

": I love it when my bus doesn't show up at all and it's windier than a fuckin tornado out... Cool. Sweet. Awesome."

makes me want to move to a city where public transportation is actually reliable.

This bus driver is going slow way below the speed limit.

I am on this 77 and this driver is flying around corners. I'm going to be sick. bus 2705 77/04

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