
Thursday, October 18, 2012

Guess who's blogging about me again-THAT'S RIGHT, ELLEN FOX

Ellen Fox is at me again, so again I remind the public of our history together
This woman is so full of herself its laughable. She thinks all I care about are the number of people reading my blog? I couldn't care less how many people view my blog, I make nothing from it. Its a hobby, I get no profit from it. She doesn't like Lane Jensen now and blames me for his actions. Insane, I never gave Lane any instructions on anything. But in that little mind of hers AL IS ALL POWERFUL AND CONTROLS PEOPLE THROUGH HYPNOSIS OR SOMETHING. Go ahead sue, just like she did. She got nothing for all her efforts. Sorry to inform you operators you are a public servants doing your job in public. That's the way it is. Trimet films everything without your permission and every operator in Lane's movies were told he was filming. Nothing secret about Lane at all. It's all very silly and something that Ellen just loves to get involved with. It's her M.O. Well Ellen you might just get to meet Lane in person, let's see how you handle yourself because remember, you are a public servant. You don't decide who rides your bus.

Ellen Fox  and I had been casual friends for over ten years.
On several occasions in past volumes of my Rantings blog I gave her support in other disputes she was having with other people.

Our friendship ended after we had a telephone conversation where she advised me about “Trimet’s dirty tricks” and how they went about “setting up” operators they wanted to get rid of.

At that time it was my standard procedure to tape record all telephone calls. I had taped several conversations with various Trimet management officials and placed them on my blog with no voice distortion. Although several managers were offended by that they were apparently informed by Trimet legal that I was not in violation of any laws.

The conversation I had with Ellen was so intriguing, so beyond what I thought possible of Trimet management, that I placed it on my blog, using my advanced voice distortion software so as to protect Ellen’s identity.
The next day she contacted me in a rage. I took the whole thing down immediately per her request and thought that would be the end of it. Fat chance, I had no idea at that time what type of personality I was dealing with. She stated that even with voice distortion they would know it was her, apparently she was the only person alive that would have that information so it would be traced back to her resulting in retaliation. The whole event had very limited exposure since it was up only one day and the blog was relatively unknown except for a handful of transit bloggers.

That was the end of our friendship, and we never had another personal conversation again. If she had let go of the situation nobody would have ever known about it, but that is not MS Fox style. I became her personal enemy and she has been engaging in a smear campaign against me since.

As she would smear me around the internet I would defend myself of her, sometimes using small pieces of the original conversation. She then got a lawyer who persuaded me to remove all content related to her, I agreed with the following provision, she never mention me again on the internet.

Later in the year there was a controversy at the Powell garage. Attending my very first union meeting I was given a copy of the petition, to my shock and surprise my name was prominently displayed as party to the charges against another. Ellen had listed me as a protagonist in the whole situation. To make long story short things got nasty and finally that whole situation ended, unfavorable for Ellen Fox.

She then decided that she would sue me over the original taping. She wanted $7500. The judge saw no damages other than she was upset and awarded her $100. Unable to accept the judge’s ruling she tried again, this time the case was heard at the PEOPLES COURT, where the full judgment was for the defendant (me).

Unable to accept that ruling either Ellen Fox has continued to engage in a libelous smear campaign against me.

She maintains a "smear blog" which is all about me and how evil I am.

Most of my confidants advise me to ignore her,  however one tires of being accused of stalking and menacing for no reason other than revenge.

This is a vicious woman who from my point of view is mentally unstable.

Now you know my side of the story.

 ELLEN FOX'S SLANDER BLOG WATCH | We watch as Ellen Fox plays 'victim' as she disrupts lives of others




If you missed the union meeting... 


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