
Sunday, June 8, 2014

Mcfarlane to get $6,600 raise under new budget

Poor Mcfarlane, just can't live on that $222,000/ year. 
 $105 an hour is just not enough for him. 
And we out here in Portlandia should be thankful we are getting such wonderful man for cheap.
So good for you Neal, $228,000 is a much nicer figure you can give yourself another 1st class vacation.

And while you keep getting richer and richer you can look in the mirror and know that you have stolen what was promised from the people that actually do the work at Trimet, the union employees. No more health care for them, but at least you keep getting richer and richer.

Oh did I mention that everyone not in the union will get a 3% raise. That means raises for Lomax, Stedmen, Sapporta around $5,000 each.

 It's nice to be a Trimet executive and it sucks to be a Trimet union employee.

Joe Rose forgot to put that in his 'article' 
punkrawker4783 said...
He left off something very important found on Page 11: Non-Union Wage increase of 3%.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

...he's under a lot of pressure destroying union benefits and denying raises to workers...he needs a raise...