
Monday, March 10, 2014

TRIMET marginalizes operator hazards

Whenever you see this sort of response from any Trimet 'offical' representative you know there is something wrong:

Altstadt said the agency takes reports of menacing or physical attacks against its drivers seriously. But TriMet, she said, doesn’t determine definitions of crimes. Police analysts, guided by the FBI’s Uniformed Crime Reporting, define assaults on TriMet as an “unlawful attack by one person upon another for the purpose of inflicting severe or aggravated bodily injury.”
Assaults and attempted assaults without weapons or serious injures are not categorized by police or the state of Oregon as assaults, Altstadt said. 

So Trimet officials are looking to "blame someone else" for something very bad that is happening to their employees

Is spitting in TriMet driver's face 'assault'? Union wants hostile riders taken more seriously |

And then Joe has to put this in AGAIN!
 the most generous public-employee health benefits in Oregon Which makes me wonder about Joe!


Anonymous said...

Joe Rose gets around

Joe is on the right

And some day Joe you just might piss off the wrong bus driver with all your stupid lies.

YoMama said...

No need to "wonder" about Joe...he shows his true colors every time he talks about the 'Cadillac, etc." benefits.

But then nothing sells news advertising like controversy...

Flatpicker John said...

my guess is that if someone were to spit on Roberta Altstadt it would become a class a felony.

Anonymous said...

All heck all you have to do is ask her about driver safety in a text and she will charge you with telephonic harrasement and have big brother John press the charges against you and send their goons to arrest you at work.