
Thursday, June 12, 2014

Trimet false advertising

Trimet does not offer a 'living wage' for the first year. And you must start part time which is not a living wage for someone with a family.
Additionally,   the 'full benefits' is another lie. No defined pension, health care on the same level as Burgerville (actually Burger-ville is even cheaper if those stinking execs get their way) and no more medical when you retire. (thanks Chad)


punkrawker4783 said...

They do offer a living wage, they are hiding that you don't get forty hours of that wage.

However, in the defense of "Living Wage"- Getting 30 hours a week at TriMet nets you $77 more per week than working minimum wage for 40 hours per week. After 6 months its $157 more per week.

punkrawker4783 said...

I am actually surprised your not chasing the "Full Benefits" portion, which is what they are going after.

Al M said...

You don't pay minimum wage to workers who are responsible daily for the lives of hundreds of people