
Thursday, December 5, 2013


Listen to #1 released 12/4 on ITUNES HERE


Unknown said...

I heard the tape and first there are a lot of operators out there that will stop service for anything. Did you hear the supervisor she stated that she found nothing wrong with the seat belt. Also, I do think there is a fedral law excusing mass transit operators from wearing a seat belt, yes I think everyone should be still I do believe that there is a federal out there stating that. Another thing have any of you been up in dispatch, there is one person that does all the calls around the buses and the other dispatchers handle calls from the bus operators and yell to that one person what's going on with a certain bus, so maybe some one yelled that out and that is how that dispatcher gave it out.. So I know that dispatcher and he has for the most part been there for the drivers and I'm sure glad he stayed in dispatch. I feel it calmning when I have somehting going on and he is the one that calls my bus to assist. And I also know that op and there is times she just doesn't want to work, the operator before her did not say anything and the supervior said it was working....

Al M said...

My personal view is that Bynum does a pretty decent job as a dispatcher.

Al M said...

""""And I also know that op and there is times she just doesn't want to work, the operator before her did not say anything and the supervisor said it was working"""

~~~>That's a below the belt comment and a very subjective personal attack, I should take the comment down completely because of that idiotic comment.


Anonymous said...

The dispatcher is one of the best for Tri-Met and there was something else going on that we the public did hear or it wasn't said. True the dipatcher shouldn't have said anything about the driver refusing to move because of the seat belt but who knows what was told to the dispatcher to give the call out like that?? maybe that's how he was giving the information... I do like Lane but he shouldn't be so hard, in fact I that the dispatcher and Lane get along, I guess I am wrong... And FYI there is a federal law stating that city drivers do not have to wear a seat bealt and in fact when I heard this a asked a transit cop and he said they don't.. and the law Lane was reading would then go for everyone in the bus should have to be wearing a seat belt and we all know that can not happen... Thanks Al

Anonymous said...

Tri Mets SOP B801 Bus Operators Rules

General Operating Rule #3

You must wear a seatbelt whenever you are operating a vehicle.

The driver just asked a question. The driver did not refuse to drive only to clarify what dispatch was saying. I find that the dispatcher and road supervisor sorta stabbed the driver in the back wih the negative comments when she was only triying to follow the SOP. You can hear the demeaning attitude in their conversation. I guess they aren't really their for the drivers and the two of them just validated my suspecians. Both should get behind the wheel again and take a refresher course. Put the shoe on the other foot.