
Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Trimet continues its policy of obstructing public records requests

No surprise to me of course. I know the people in charge of this transit agency and they are people that possess low ethics and morality.  They routinely lie and  distort information in order to further their own agendas.

Personally I'm a little weary of this fight, one man taking on a billion dollar agency gets tiring, especially since there is no real interest in any of it. Trimet gets away with all of this questionable behavior because nobody actually cares.

You might have noticed a marked decrease in posts to this blog. That's because I'm tiring of fighting the evil behemoth that most people couldn't care less about.

The Trimet union doesn't care apparently, Trimet union employees don't care, and I am getting to that point myself.

Nothing ever changes so why bother? Go back to sleep America, the blazers are playing. Think about things that have no importance to your life at all, we know you like it that way.

KATU’s investigation is scheduled to air on Thursday. Still, without the maintenance records, can KATU really report accurately on the state of the security cameras on TriMet's buses, trains and platforms?
“That’s going to be part of our storytelling,” Lupenski said, adding that she thinks the report can be done without TriMet’s cooperation. "I think it's odd that TriMet is celebrating the fact that it doesn't have to release information to the public."
In the past couple of weeks, I’ve seen KATU reporters approach various TriMet officials at news conferences, trying to get them to reply to questions about the cameras. The encounters have resulted in the transit officials walking away from the cameras flustered.(Expect to see those shots on TV.)

TriMet says it has nothing to hide (just don't ask about transit system's security cameras) |

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